Sunday, November 8, 2009

Shilla Dynasty Roofs

These are some shots taken at the Shilla Millenium Park at Kyong-ju in the south east of S. Korea. They have more Japanese influence in their construction, due to its location (quite close to Japan).

Pottery Urinals and Hand basin

Busting for a leak, I came across these fascinating installations. I just had to give them a go, worked quite well and beats the boring standard white ones. Then it was time to wash the hands, in an equally fascinating basin installation.

Korean Wood Carving

1. Damn, they make the food hot here!
2. Meet my Korean mother and father-in-law.
3. Soju (Rice whisky) does that to ya!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The National Staple dish of Korea

This unsuspecting looking bowl of red and white food stuff is Kim chi, the national dish of Korea. It isn't a meal in itself but a side dish that is eaten with the other national staple, white rice. The main ingredient to make up the dish is
Chinese cabbage. Other ingredients include Chilli flakes, garlic, ginger, salt and other finely chopped vegetables. This is all conbined and fermented to make a very distinctive dish that is served with every Korean dish.

Deja vue dust storm

Sydney 2009
Melbourne 1983

I rememeber the dust storms of '83 in Victoria. The same time of the 'Ash Wednesday Bushfires'. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come this summer.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How the WAR was really won

It wasn't about luck or a show of force, it came down to the well respected leveller, Rock-Scissors-paper.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Toilet humour eat your heart out

If you want to cheer yourself up and you're into toilet humour, check this one out.

Quote of the Day

'Life is what happens while your busy making other plans'

Have you heard? Greenland is melting. Hear it first on CNN.

How is this for a green solution

I'm constructing an article about this topic soon. If you don't care about this issue, that's ok, I just hope your skin blisters and burns in the climate change holocaust.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cottage cheese baby!

If you suffered from pimples as a youth then you'll get off on this one. The conversation/ reaction between the females is just hilarious.

I like children, but I can't eat a whole one.

Quote of the Day

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one"

I credit this one to Pete my fellow classmate at Uni and his unfiltered view on existence.

Question. What is the point of twitter? I fail to understand its usefulness, unless you are a stalker or obsessed with your own ego and want everybody to know about your mundane existence. Much like a blog really.

Twitter entry; Just ate a suspect bowl of noodles, now on the can. Hang on.(plop) That's a relief... as I saying...not again, hrrrmmm. Damn that stinks.

I have an experiement to undertake. Let's see if it does any good.